I got very little sleep lastnight. 1st Orion woke at midnight so I went to him (
he had that cry that I new he needed me) all I have to do is put my hand on him and he quiets down but as soon as I'd take my hand off he'd start cry (
this is not him) so I pick him up and cuddle him close, he lays his head on my should and I rock him (
I do not speak, I just hold him) and he settled down after a few minutes I lay him back down and off to sleep he went....Must of been a dream....
I go back to bed no problem falling back to sleep but man I had a bad dream and it was the kind of dream that kept coming back no matter how many times I woke to shake it....it just kept coming back.....Dang spiders were everywhere all types big, small, fat, skinny, furry and ugly......yuck! They were coming at me from all directions.......
Must of dreamt of them because I got rid of a huge spider web at my front door outside on the veranda it was right over my flower garden, it was in my way. I tried to hose it down and it would not budge (I am getting the shivers just thinking about it again...lol) so I go on the hunt for a stick of some sort that I can take the web down, found a stick got the web down and out came this huge fat ugly kind of furry spider. I tried to hose it down well those suckers are tuff he it whatever crawled up the post and I am standing there wonder what to do with it, I can not kill it because that would make me sick (gag, yuck yuck yuck) so I look down and the hose is still in my hand and you would think that spider would come tumbling down...NOT...it hung on by it one thin little strand of web from it behind. I just sprayed down the whole veranda and left it at that all the while I am thinking that this thing is going to jump out at me and attack... When I came back in side I looked on the net for spiders to see what kind it was and if dangerous, from what I could find it is not. Then I looked at how they make there webs, quite interesting. Takes them 1hour to make it and me 1min to break it..... so it has to hate me.....Hence the bad dream.
I did not see it outside to today must be in hiding making it's plan...... itsy bitys spider went up the water spout out came the hose to try and get it out.........
I should not of posted this before I go to bed...........