I asked my oldest "Lil O" to get a toy for Ri to play with and I went to see what to make for supper. I turn to see what they are up to and well he got his brother some toys, the whole toy box..lol (sorry for the bad shot camera was on wrong setting and I had to move fast before he ran)
I took the shot and then he does this, so of course I had to take another quick shot.
that is my boy..
who screamed and cried through out his swimming lesson.....We started swimming lessons on Mar 16th and he wanted nothing to do with it. I thought maybe he wanted daddy so we switched (Ri's lesson was next) nope that did not work he wanted mama but did not want to swim. Everyone kept looking at us I felt small...lol but hey he is only 2 right.When his lesson was done we sat and watch Ri with daddy and he was happily splashing away till daddy dunked him, he was not impressed and then daddy did it again oh let me tell ya...lol he was fine after no more dunking.Will we (lil O and I ) waited he played in the little wadding pool part and what do you know he was letting help him float on his back and front and he even blew bubbles...go figure right.So this last Wednesday I went to the pool with both boys and granma (my mum) she held Ri will I tried (key ward TRIED) to work with Lil O, once again he did not want to do anything but play with the water that was spraying out of the pool. I just let him play and get used to the surroundings and hopefully he will start to cooperate more at lessons. Swimming lessons are every Sunday and I plan on going swimming every Wednesday at the parent & Tot pool time to get him use to the water.Photo will follow when I get them back from granma's camera (auntie J was taking photos)
She showed her ugly face! (I am talking AF) She made herself known last night, can we say MIDOL take me away.....ahhhh...it did, plus a little massage from dh helped too..lol 23 days late, I will not deny that I was kind of hoping for a little miracle but I know all to well not to get my hopes up.
Here is to another month.
Also I am a year old as is Ri. Ri had his party on the weekend I will post photo in a bit.
I can not get over how fast this year has gone by, my baby is one today.
He says Mama, Dada has started to do the army crawl and still rolls all over the place to get to where he wants.He thinks it is funny when he touches big Bro's toys that are all lined up perfectly and laughs when Lil O gets upset. I think I have t-r-o-u-b-l-e on my hands.We went to the Dr yesterday for both boys:
We checked over Ri 1st because I knew Lil O would freak so by doing Ri 1st he'd see what was going on and not be to upset when it became his turn, he did great. Ri's weight is 18 1/4 lbs, height is 75cm (22.5inches) his Birth weight ~ 1960 grams (4lbs 5.1oz), Length ~ 41.5cm (16.5inc)
The weigh scale scared him a bit when the Dr put him on it and moved the scale part of it. Other then that he did great.
Lil O's weight 28lbs, height is 95cm (28.5inches)
at birth he was: 4
lbs 3.5oz (1931g), length: 17 1/4 inches (45cm)
As for AF she is still MIA. I went to go for a blood test yesterday since I had to go for my thyroid check from my family Dr the Fertility Dr sent /faxed the lab for a pg test and do you think the lab could find it...Nope...so I tried calling the Clinic a few times but all I got was the voice mail, got to LOVE voice mail....so I did not get the pg test. I started to spot a bit last night so I thought AF was coming but NOPE not here yet.
is a MIA AF, she is gone, disappeared, left, nowhere to be found...I did not mark down when she last came but I am pretty sure is was like the 1st week of Feb. No I am not pg, you need to bd on time for that..lol and that is another thing I don't think I O'ed either and if I did it was really late (I had O like pains on the 8th).
I am going to call the fertility clinic on Monday because they should now since I had to do another cycle day 3 blood test and then I will know for sure how late I am.
and he bringing attention to the things I don't realize that I do:- Like standing with my hands on my hips (at 1st I did not know where he got that and then I caught myself.)- Standing with my legs crossed (my mum does this too)- saying "Stop it please" (Lil O repeats STOP IT often to Ri)- No no no nooooo- saying sonny boy or son (Lil O calls out mama mama I respond yes sonny boy or son)The words just pour out his mouth so fast now that he amazes me.The boys start swimming lesson on Sunday DH is actually coming with, he will go in with one of the boys most likely Ri because Lil O is all about the mama again. Today Lil O was crying over something and DH went in to see what was up and was hugging him, well when I walked into the room lil O pushed daddy aside and ran to me...lol.
I have been pretty busy with photos lately, all edits done and I just finished one order and waiting for another order to come in. Sure can take up a lot of time.
I did received a compliment tho, DH saw the mom of the senior/grad photos I took of her son at one of the spa's he massages at and she said she was very happy with the photos and having a hard time picking and then the sister said "yeah they turned out really good my brother actually looks good"...lol ah siblings.
Lil O has picked up more words then I can count. He copies what I say even on the TV he copies and dances around when he gets it right..lol (good thing I do not swear, never have)Ri well no crawling yet but he sure gets around doing the back scoot and rolling....Lil O is in trouble soon. Oh the fights that are soon to begin, well they have kind of started already. When Ri grabs a hold of Lil O's toys that he has parked in a row he throws a fit and either tries to drag Ri out of the way or bonk him on the head but mostly rolls him away. Yup sign of things to come and it only brings memories of my older sis J back she was not the nicest while growing up (I guess she did not like always having to watch me)
Ri has started whole milk and it seems to be going down pretty good.