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Saturday, April 25, 2009

This is what I am dealing with today

1st it was snowing then raining then snow then rain, everything seemed quiet and guess what it is

is summer soon?

15w 3day belly

I figure it was time I took a photo of the belly. Just a quick snap shot before I went out.

15wk 3day belly photo

and then the boys wanted in on it:

15w3d belly with boys

I still have not got the call to see Dr O (he followed my pg with the boys) it is kind of making me nervous but the clinic said if they do not call by the time I reach 19wks to call my family Dr to set up the 20wk u/s.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

24hrs later

this is what we have:

Apr 22-23 front

Apr 22-23 snow

the snow started to fall around noon yesterday as I was leaving to go to store I was in only an hour and came out to have to scrap my van off with snow and ice..... enough already please but that is asking to much since it never fails that we get snow on May long weekend pretty much 95% of the time.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Make a face

I asked Ri to make a happy sad and mad face did not expect him to really do it or understand what I was asking him to do...but he did....guess I need to give him more

20x10-3up5x7+7x7 p

A Loom you say.....

On one of the message boards I am on they kept bring up this Knifty Knitter loom thing, at 1st I had no clue what they were talking about this is a photography board I am on and they are talking about this Anyways the more I saw photos of projects the more I was intrigued (since I have forgotten how to knit myself) but the penny pincher that I am (other then photography stuff :) ) I did not want to pay the 29.00 for it. One day I was at Value Village (A thirht store and the Loom set was right there for $3.00 could not pass that up it came with 4 loom circles different sizes and a hook with instructions. So I tried it out the other night and it was pretty easy:




now to find different yarn and try a different pattern...then all I need is a baby to photograph

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Oh Baby

all looks great! Nuchal scan went great chances of anything wrong are 1 in 1047 AWESOME!

Baby was moving and actually measures bigger then the 13w2d baby measures a week ahead.

The boys were watching the u/s and at 1st Lil O said that it looked scary and he did not like Ri was to concerned at what the lady was doing on my tummy, Gramma and Grandpa were in the room to.

My apt was for 1:30 I got there and sat and waited as usual then they called my name and some other took us into a little room to explain the Nuchal scan then we had to go back and sit in the waiting room for the blood test. Waited another 20min till I had my name called for the blood draw then back to the waiting room and waited was called again and the scan was great...guess what back to the waiting room for the results, by this time is was 3:10pm. 3:30 rolls around and no results yet I still had to go back to the fertility clinic and the closed at 4pm. I asked the girl at the desk if it would be much longer and that is when my name was called she took me back to go over everything again (2nd time a Dr already came into the u/s room) gave me the papers and I rushed over to the clinic to see Dr S...I get there and guess what we waited

Dr S calls me in and as I was walking with the boys all the nurses were admiring there big brown eyes and all. Dr S said as we sat down that I still amaze and surprise them all and goes over the results... She also said that if I wanted to do the amnio sine I am over 35 now I can and they do them around 15-18weeks...I don't think I want to do this since the odds are on my side.

Profile 13w2d

Nuchal translucency ultrasound

today to see if baby is healthy and ok, I feel a little nervous this time around. Things seem to be going to well, you know when going through multiple losses and infertility and then when something goes the way it should...just does not feel me strange...I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop (I know I have wrote this before)

I am 13w 2d, I find the baby with my Doppler no problem. I still need to take belly shots maybe if I get home at a decent time I will take some. Appointment is a 1:30pm my mum and Barry are coming with they like seeing the u/s.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Facebook is something else I tell ya.

I had an ex-boyfriend find me and requested friendship and when I saw this...well some emotions popped up because you see this relationship ended badly police were called and he was taken away and I never saw him again till a few years later (I was 16yrs old). I came across him at his work but we never spoke to one another (I was still a bit angry and scared, not to mention the relationship I was in at that moment was not the greatest either...that's another story) I did not see or hear from him again till a few weeks ago when he requested to be friends on FB. I hummed and hawed but then thought it was many years ago we were young and well forgiveness is a powerful thing, so I accepted his friendship. We shared a couple of messages on how our lives are but never mentioned what happened that night. Till last night he sent me a message asking why did I accept him as a friend..... good question...

I wrote:
"Well to be honest I did think about it 1st before I accepted you as a friend, After thinking about it you really were not that bad it was just at the end of it all that things went sour. We were young and well I have grown past it all and hope you have too."

He responded back by saying he was sorry for what transpired that night. he has been regretting it for years and wishing for the chance to say sorry. He was happy for how my life is now and thanked me for the time we did share.

I was taken back almost to tears it is amazing even 20yrs after what happened.

I responded with a thank you.